What does a girl want?

Monday, October 30, 2006

Women want to be treated equally. That's what I hear – but apparently, that's not the case. I don't want to give off the impression that I'm sexist. What I'm about to say is just my opinion and nothing more.

Here's the thing. I was walking my dog when I saw Carrie, one of my neighbors being escorted to her car by a guy who, I assume, is her boyfriend (I think she called him Eric so that's what I'm calling him; for my blog's sake). She's been talking about the bad day she's been having. Now, my dog's taking a leak so I overheard what she's been saying.

Carrie was complaining about her boss and how her salary ain't equal to what the other guys has been receiving. She wanted to be paid like the other men. In today's society, a girl should be treated as well like how men are treated too; her paycheck should be no exception.

I understood her sentiments. I believe that there should be a balance between everybody. Discrimination is something that should never be tolerated, especially in today's context. So I had no problems with what she's saying. That should have been the end of the story. But the next thing she said blew my mind away.

So Carrie was about to ride Eric's car when she asked him why he's not opening her car door? You see, Eric went inside the car with Carrie still outside. She was waiting for Eric to open the door for her before he went in. Carrie went ballistic after that! She was telling Eric about how a woman should be treated like. She complained about how he's not acting like a gentleman that he was before she became his girl. Carrie was screaming so hard, she had my dog scared shitless... literally!

Now that's just not right. She wants to be treated like a man and yet she can't even open the car door by herself? Geez... What's up with that? Now I had to walk away before she notices that I actually heard everything that she said. I don't want to have a debate with her anytime soon; it's her boyfriend's job to bleed his ears out while listening to Carrie's mindless yapping.

On my way home, I got a chance to think about all the things I heard at a seminar I attended once. It was all about female empowerment and how we shouldn't let men take over. It thought me how not to let men take over my life and how I should fight when I fall being a victim to gender discrimination.

But aren't women more powerful than men to begin with in today's society? Now I won't be bias about this, since I'm a woman myself. In fact, you might be surprised with how I'm gonna end this thing. Anyway, I said this because I noticed how women are too empowered these days.

I'm sure everyone's familiar with Blade. Yes, I mean the comic book turned action flick which portrayed by Wesley Snipes. You might think I'm going off the topic but, just hear me out for a second. There are different versions to how Blade came to be. There's the comic book version where his mother, while pregnant, was bitten by a vampire thus giving birth to the half vampire, half human Blade. Then there's the movie version where he was bitten by Morbius, a vampire with biochemical origin, making Blade half vampire, half human. Either way, both instances had one effect; he had all of the vampire's strengths and none of their weaknesses. He went on with fighting other vampires to avenge his mother's death on so on. Marvel Comics scored a hit with this character.

All of the vampire's strengths and none of their weaknesses. Hmm... that's really interesting. I would really want that kind of power. A vampire that could walk in the sunlight, be unaffected by other vampire's bites, be able to see at night like it was day and so on. That would really be cool!

Women would like to be Blade. They want to have all of the men's strengths but don't want to take part with all of men's weaknesses. Here's how we understand what women want; they want to be treated equally like men. Here's the truth; women want to be paid like men and be treated like women. Ladies, Admit it. We, (yeah, I said we) act like we're playing a game of what-you-can-do-I-can-do-better with men. And yet, when we begin to lose the game, we start to complaining about how we are not being treated like the ladies that we are.

There's a Carrie in all of us. We've all been fed with the wrong information. Something is wrong with the way we've been brought up. I think women have been too oppressed in the past, that they've built this huge ball of anger towards men and we've been fed with all this negative energy towards the opposite sex.

I've talked to some of my friends (all of them were women) from Fling.com and they told me that I'm acting stupid from what I've been saying. But I think their minds have been too clouded to see the truth. Granted, there are cases wherein women have been mistreated by men because these men do not recognize the roles of women in today's society. However, there are cases where women have abused the power that's been blessed to us, by using men to gain every advantage that they could possibly have.

Think of it this way. My friend was trying to hail a cab. Now, there was this guy who's been waiting for a cab longer than her. And by luck, this cab got to the guy first. It's only natural that this guy have the cab. But then, my friend gave him a lecture on how he's not being a gentleman and why he should let my friend get on the cab. She did the whole lady-in-distress thing and the guy, out of frustration (I guess), gave the cab to my friend. My friend was still pissed over the fact that she had to argue her way to get that ride. But come to think of it, there was nothing to argue about in the first place. The guy got to the cab first. If she wanted to be treated like a man, she would have just waited for another one.

Women likes to have the same perks like men and yet let their husbands mow the lawn and do the other tough jobs around the house while they have Tupperware parties and have tea, like the princesses that they think they are. How sick.

Like I said in the beginning of my blog, I said that this was just my opinion. Everyone's entitled to their's. I said I'm all for equality. This blog isn't just for women, it's for men as well. In the end, what I'm trying to say is that equality should be recognized in both sexes. Women cannot be treated like women and men at the same time. That's being too selfish. I don't know any man who goes around complaining that his girl doesn't treat him like a man. So why should women go around complaining that they're not being treated like women? Fairness and equality has a price. Deal with it.